15 Infamous Movie Plot Holes (That Actually Aren't)

3. Why Are Intelligent Scientists So Stupid? - Prometheus

Prometheus Trilobite

The "Plot Hole": Why is the supposedly super-smart crew of scientists aboard the Prometheus so damn stupid?

Why It Actually Isn't: Though the character decisions throughout Prometheus are frequently frustrating, it's important not to confuse poor character decision making with a plot hole.

It's made abundantly clear early on, for instance, that Fifield isn't the most professional geologist in the universe, so groan-inducing though his later actions might be, they're not exactly inconsistent with the character we were introduced to.

Yes, it's tremendously unsatisfying when a film has to be propelled forward by poor choices and reckless behaviour, but that doesn't make Prometheus the plot hole-riddled mess so many dismiss it as.

After all, it's easy to say that Charlize Theron should've run left or right when a giant, donut-shaped spaceship was rolling towards her, but in that moment, would most people have the presence of mind to figure that out? Almost certainly not.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.