15 Infamous Movie Plot Holes (That Actually Aren't)

13. Where Are The Other Avengers? - Every Solo MCU Movie

Captain America The Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios

The "Plot Hole": When any of The Avengers are off tackling their own adventures in their solo movies, where are the rest of the team? Shouldn't they be offering some help?

Why It Actually Isn't: Marvel Studios has offered up some intermittent explanations for their heroes being absent in their comrades' movies, but this really just comes down to the logistics of building a big-budget universe starring A-list actors.

Would you really want to see Robert Downey Jr. showing up in every single MCU movie, to the point that you get sick of his presence?

Yes, the explanation for The Avengers' absence ultimately comes down to "because movie", but the heroes taking some downtime away from each other is rather plausible given the fact that some of them don't even reside on Earth, and might very well be off on their own crime-fighting crusades.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.