15 Infamous Movie Plot Holes (That Actually Aren't)

12. Why Aren't Kirk & Sulu Killed By Beaming In Mid-Air? - Star Trek

Star Trek Kirk Sulu

The "Plot Hole": After Kirk and Sulu attempt to escape the Romulan drilling platform, they're beamed back onto the Enterprise by Chekov while in free-fall. How come they weren't killed by the momentum of slamming down on the Enterprise's beaming pad?

Why It Actually Isn't: For starters, those who pay attention will hear Chekov say that he's "compensating for gravitational pull", a fairly ambiguous phrase that basically has them covered.

Furthermore, it's totally plausible that momentum is not reconstituted during the beaming process, completely cancelling it out and giving the two a safe landing when they're back on the Enterprise.

Do you really think technology that can teleport a human being across vast distances can't stop their momentum? Really!?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.