15 Insanely Awesome 2018 Movie One Liners

2. "I Am Your MOTHER!" - Hereditary

Hereditary Toni Collette

Hereditary isn't just an almost unbearably intense horror film, it's also a fantastic acting showcase for Toni Collette, who as bereaved daughter and mother Annie, is struggling to keep the remains of her family together.

During a tense dinner conversation with her son Peter (Alex Wolff), Annie explodes, launching off on a nerve-wracking tirade which will suck the air out of any room the movie is playing in.

The entire monologue is quote-worthy, but it's the opening that cuts the deepest: "Don't you swear at me, you little s***! Don't you ever raise your voice at me! I am your mother!"

Director Ari Aster confidently holds on Collette for an extremely uncomfortable amount of time as she berates her son, and for the audience, it feels like they're watching an intimate, private moment they probably shouldn't have access to.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.