15 Insufferable Horror Movie Characters You Secretly WANTED To Die

14. Vincent McCormick - Devil

Unfriended 2014
Universal Pictures

Devil is a pretty solid low-budget horror film that concerns five strangers who are trapped in a lift. One of them is literally the Devil and kills off the people inside one by one, all of whom have a guilty secret.

None of the passengers in the lift are entirely likeable, but they've mostly got enough depth to avoid being downright hateful, with one exception.

From the moment Vincent McCormick (Geoffrey Arend) appears on-screen, he might as well have had '!*$%' tattooed on his forehead. Everything about this rude, sleazy and obnoxious character is infuriating.

His guilty secret is running a scam that caused many to lose money and one person to kill themselves, so he's just an all-around terrible person.

Still, we don't have to put up with him for long. Not only does he die, but he goes down first. How considerate of the writers.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.