15 Most Annoying Movies Of All-Time

4. Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas

It didn't entirely matter which Madea movie earned a place on this list, just so long as one of them did. Given that it's probably the worst of the bunch, then, A Madea Christmas takes the cake; a movie so insufferable that it's probably what they play on loop when you end up in Hell. Tyler Perry makes terrible films, but you have to wonder how he ever found a way to get paid for any his Madea movies. They are poison. They are toxic. They are scum. So Tyler Perry plays Madea, an elderly black lady who seems to exist as partway between a parody and a stereotype of an elderly black lady. Madea is, in herself, an obnoxious loudmouth with a unrivalled gift for making you want to smash your television set, the cinema screen, your mobile phone - whatever it is you happen to be watching her on. This Christmas-themed Madea outing offers nothing but bad jokes and a headache for anyone brave enough (or stupid enough?) to watch it. 'Tis the season to be angry.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.