15 Most Anticipated Films Of 2013

11. 300: Rise Of An Empire

3001 There's no two ways about it, 300 was an epic film. It just defined epic. The battle sequences in that film sent shivers down my spine just for their sheer awesomeness. So when I saw that a sequel to this epic film was under production I was literally beside myself with exictement. This sequel focuses on the Greek general Themistocles, who has to battle an invading army of Persians under the guide of the mortal-turned God Xerxes. I'm sure the filmmakers will do their best to improve on 300's criticism of being marred with historical inaccuracies. One things for sure, if the battle scenes in this film are half as good as in the original, then film fans are in for a bloody treat. Moreover, with movie graphics even more impressive than in 2006, I can already taste some of the mouth watering action scenes. For me, as a Latin student and enthusiast of Classical culture this has got to be one of the most eagerly anticipated films of 2013.
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Massive Arsenal fan Jacob Savill, is a new-ish contributor to WhatCulture and his first few articles have proved popular amongst the sports and film pages. As an A-Level English Student and an aspiring journalist he's using WhatCulture as preparation for what he hopes to be a successful journalistic career.