15 Most Anticipated Villains In Upcoming Comic Book Movies

2. Darkseid (DC Cinematic Universe)

Darkseid1 Darkseid is the ultimate DC villain. He is visually imposing, a massive physical threat, a technological genius and commands a legion of super-powered followers and minions on his native Apokolips. Generally considered more of a Superman villain, Darkseid has on numerous occasions proven himself to be a legitimate threat to the entire Justice League team that Superman leads, possessing vast superhuman strength and durability, as well as his ultimate weapon €“ the Omega Effect €“ which has the ability to wipe its victims from existence. A disappointing version of Darkseid appeared, albeit briefly, in a live action production when he was the final villain opposing Clark Kent in TV's Smallville, but fans would love to see more of him in a bigger budget flick. A lot of comparisons can be made between Darkseid and Marvel's Thanos (indeed, in the 'Amalgam' comics universe, Thanos and Darkseid were merged to form 'Thanoseid') and the anticipation caused by Thanos' cameo at the end of the Avengers should serve as ample incentive for DC to use the equally formidable ruler of Apokolips on the big screen. Whether or not he'll appear in the upcoming Batman/Superman movie is unknown - as is who would play him - but fans of comic books are already very eager to see him on the big screen and no doubt DC and Warner Brothers will have to give them what they want eventually.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.