15 Most Controversial Movie Moments Of 2015

2. The Church Massacre - Kingsman: The Secret Service

The Moment: Billionaire maniac Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) performs a test on the members of a hate group in a Kentucky church, triggering their SIM cards to turn them, along with Kingsman agent Harry Hart (Colin Firth), into murderous, blood-thirsty lunatics. Cue Hart, the only one in the room with any actual combat experience, slaughtering everyone and emerging the only survivor, before Valentine then kills him. Why It's Controversial: There are those who simply appreciate the scene as a superbly-directed orgy of violence, while others have noted that the scene is more disturbing than fun, because though the hate group members are definitely a**holes, should we be cheering for their glorified, brutal deaths? Does that make us anymore tolerant than them? It's a cleverly-written scene because the mind control gimmick de-humanises the church members further and makes it seem more acceptable and cool, even if it's in fact completely horrifying.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.