15 Most Critically Hated Films From 2015

6. Outcast

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 6% (3.1/10) Why Critics Hated It: Nicolas Cage and Hayden Christensen playing warriors in feudal China? Is this a joke? Critics couldn't take Outcast one iota seriously, and rightly so, considering that both actors are sporting hysterically bad accents, and Cage is only in the film for about 20 minutes, with clever editing used to make him seem more present in battles than he actually is. The action is all over the place, the plot is a bore, Christensen abjectly fails to carry the movie on his own during Cage's absence, and the whole thing is just impossible not to chuckle at. Even for the standards of Cage's straight-to-VOD efforts he's desperately starring in order to pay off his huge IRS debt (how is that thing not cleared yet!?), this is just...embarrassing.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.