15 Most Disappointing Movies Of The 2020s (So Far)
Love and Thunder should've been so, so much better...

Disappointment is part and parcel of being a film-goer. While there are many films that totally live up to the hype, such as Spider-Man: No Way Home or The Batman and others that even well exceed it, such as Top Gun Maverick, there will always be plenty of others that just don't live up to expectations.
The following fifteen films are, arguably, the most disappointing movies of the 2020s so far; they all looked and sounded awesome but instead ended up being complete let-downs that failed to measure up to the hype on any level.
What makes it worse is that nearly all of these movies were delayed thanks to Covid; they would always have been underwhelming, but the extended wait has made the disappointment that much worse.
Of course, films like Jurassic World: Dominion, Morbius or The Secrets of Dumbledore aren't on here because we all knew perfectly well those would suck. But which are the worst actual disappointments of this decade thus far? And what comes out on top? It's time to find out...
Dishonourable Mentions: Dear Evan Hansen, Army of the Dead, Lightyear and Venom: Let There Be Carnage.
15. Nope

Does Jordan Peele's latest live up to the hype? Nope. Not at all.
Nope was easily one of the most anticipated flicks of the summer and why wouldn't it be? Jordan Peele is a phenomenal talent and the brilliantly secretive marketing kept us all guessing in the best possible way.
Therefore, it's a damn shame that Nope falls so far short of its stratospheric potential.
While not a bad movie at all, Nope is still a complete and utter mess that juggles far too many characters and plot-lines for its own good. Perhaps the worst example of this is how the opening flash-forward has virtually no bearing on the rest of the story whatsoever, but the whole thing is a bit of a jumble.
Furthermore, there's nothing in the way of atmosphere or scares, the characters have no chemistry with each other and stakes are pretty much non-existent.
To be fair to Nope, it's also got some really great ideas and it is a terrific as a piece of filmmaking, so it's definitely the best movie on this list. Nonetheless, it'll probably disappoint you at least a little, especially if you're expecting another Get Out.