15 Most Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies

5. Moon

Brazil Alternate Ending
Sony Pictures Classics

Moon attacks identity, freedom and survival. In the end, it’s heart-breaking.

The isolation portrayed in Moon is palpable. It’s so quiet and lonely. The only hope comes in the central character counting down the days until he goes home. Little does he know that’s not the case at all, he’s counting down the days until his expiration and replacement by an identical clone.

After an accident in which he is believed to have died, a new clone is activated. Together, the two realise that an evil corporation clones them to save on costs. They tell their story and the evil corporation suffers the unthinkable retribution of a diminished stock value. Oh, the horror.

Sam is a man without identity, without human rights, who feels pain and sadness and joy and who is as disposable as trash. He is a technological slave, cut off from communication, angry, sad, hurting. He is a product of development without ethics, he is what happens when corporations have more power than people or governments. He is one man, who says so much about where we’re heading.

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Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.