15 Most Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies

4. Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Brazil Alternate Ending
Kaijyu Theatres

If you look at this, it will hurt you. The imagery of Tetsuo is painful.

Grotesque, disgusting, uncomfortable and weird. It’s a festival of dark gross-out imagery. More on the avant-garde end, the story (if you can call it that) of Tetsuo is told in high contrast, grainy black and white visuals, with minimal dialogue, extreme camera angles and over the top acting. Tetsuo is more of an experience than a narrative film.

It’s scenes of gore-filled, extreme self-mutilation are driven by a fetishy metal/technology sadomasochism. The black and white, 16mm, homemade quality only enhances the disgusting spirit of it.

Body meets technology is the most brutal way possible in Tetsuo. The film has a clear spiritual link to Videodrome, in the merging of technology, body and sexuality. However, visually Tetsuo is on the extreme end. As metal is forced through the flesh, black blood seeps from oozing wounds. Those enduring this are gleeful at their own mutilation and become monstrous forms, inseparable from the technology that has invaded them. This picture is so unique and striking, that it rose out of the Japanese underground to be globally recognised.

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