15 Most Epic Last Stands In Movie History
9. Dyson Lets Go - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

As John Connor (Edward Furlong) and co. plot to blow up the Cyberdyne Building in order to prevent Judgement Day, Cyberdyne engineer Miles Dyson (Joe Morton) ends up mortally wounded by police gunfire.
When the cops sweep through the building, they find him clutching the detonator to the explosives, and he tells them, "I don't know how much longer I can hold this", prompting them to immediately evacuate.
Dyson then drops the detonator as he dies, triggering a colossal explosion which destroys the facility.
That's a pretty bada** way for a computer engineer to go out, all things considered, and to his enormous credit, he had the courage to follow through with destroying his life's work mere hours after learning of its world-ending applications. Talk about redemption...