15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

2. The Force Awakens - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

If you're not excited for Star Wars - even if it's just that nagging, perverse excitement that worries about the very distinct chance of disappointment - there's probably a good chance you hate cinema. Yes, George Lucas did a lot of bad, but he's gone the same way as Darth Vader and the Emperor, and this is a whole new Star Wars made by fans (as everyone always wanted) and not shackled by the imagination of a man who's idea of fun was exploring intergalactic trade relationships and quasi-racist CGI characters. The best thing about Episode VII is that it is assured to spawn at least two sequels; perhaps that's a safety net too far for the cynics, but it also means that there is a massive responsibility on the film to deliver in narrative terms. Or in other words something big has to happen to tear the universe open again and create the kind of disturbance in the Force needed to drag Han Solo out of domestic bliss and Luke Skywalker out of self-imposed exile (presumably). The fact that nobody knows what that trigger is going to be is not only exciting, but it's also exactly why it was a good idea to hire Abrams.
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