15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

14. They're Here.... - Poltergeist

There are certain things the Poltergeist remake should steer well clear of from the original: trying to emulate Heather O'Rourke's tragically memorable performance would probably be top of the bill for fans (or those who aren't immediately put off by the whole idea of a remake anyway), but not redoing her "They're here..." line would be an even bigger mistake. Perhaps it's because revisionist remakes of classic and cult movies - like Robocop - haven't exactly worked or justified why they were ever a good idea in the first place. If Poltergeist goes the same way and handles something as fundamental as that line wrong, they'll be in the same trap that Robocop fell prey to by refusing to go with an R rating. To be honest, it's going to be terrible anyway, but there's always some perverse pleasure in seeing film-makers fail with such unnecessary agendas.
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