15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

13. The Twist - The Visit

However you feel about M Night Shyamalan, it's something of a shame that his career has now boiled down only to the currency of shocks. It no longer matters how he spins a yarn, who he casts or how well he directs, all that anyone will ever remember about his work is "I see dead people" or "the village is just a secret compound". But then, that's exactly the bed he's made for himself, and it's clearly a comfortable one, since he's gradually lost grip of most of the things that once made him a good film-maker. The Visit probably isn't high on too many most anticipated lists of the year, but as soon as everyone starts to get wind that the low-budget, covertly made thriller is on its way in September, talk will inevitably turn to what the twist is going to be. Especially since he's promising to "return to his roots", which presumably means less big budget mess like After Earth and The Last Airbender, and something more purely driven on story. Could this be his potential reinvention moment?
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