15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Of 2017

9. Harry’s Resurrection – Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Superman Returns

Kingsman: The Secret Service was a ridiculously fun throwback to the spy movies of yesteryear, with Colin Firth comfortably stealing the show as suave superspy Harry. Harry was the mentor to young Eggsy, but is tragically killed midway through by Sam Jackson’s villain.

That appeared to be that for Harry, since getting a bullet to the head typically rules you out of a sequel. Kingsman is no ordinary series though, and it’s been confirmed Harry will return for more stylish mayhem.

The exact nature of his resurrection isn’t known, but as long as he comes back it doesn’t really matter.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.