15 Most Insultingly Bad Sequels To Great Movies

5. Son Of The Mask (2005)

Son Of The Mask Jamie Kennedy
New Line Cinema

1994's The Mask was released at the height of Jim Carrey's popularity and remains a beloved comedy classic thanks to Carrey's tenacious performance, the spectacular visual effects, memorable one-liners and a jaw-dropping Cameron Diaz.

Its standalone sequel, the Jamie Kennedy-starring Son of the Mask, feels so much like a bad, distant memory that it's legitimately surprising it was released as recently as 2005.

Nominated for eight Razzie awards - winning "Worst Remake or Sequel" - the Carrey-free follow-up is an almost unwatchable mess of bad "comedy", atrocious visual effects (especially the CGI baby) and an utterly charmless Kennedy performance at the forefront.

Critics were so "mean" to Kennedy that he even produced a 2007 documentary, Heckler, in an attempt to process the whole mess. That the movie won just a single Razzie is, honestly, a travesty.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.