15 Most Insultingly Bad Sequels To Great Movies

2. Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)

Beverly Hills Cop 3

The Beverly Hills Cop franchise endeared Eddie Murphy to millions of moviegoers, and the first two movies are fondly remembered for their slick style, cracking array of one-liners, gritty tone and Murphy's energetic performance.

Though the belated 1994 threequel did at least get an R-rating, you'd barely know it given the peculiar decision to focus the plot on a Disney-esque theme park called Wonder World.

Murphy's motor-mouth charm is still good for an occasional laugh, but he seems mostly tired and the howlingly lazy script just warms-over what worked last time with firmly diminished returns. What once felt fresh is now generic and workmanlike, and a lot of the humour is straight-up cringe-worthy.

It does boast a rare cameo from George Lucas as a fairground patron, though, so there's that.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.