15 Most Mindlessly Entertaining Action Movies Ever

9. Rambo: First Blood Part II

Con Air

Required Action Hero Line: "To survive a war, you gotta become war."

At first glance, 1982's First Blood is a movie about a one-man army taking on some bad cops and kicking ass. In reality, the first of the Rambo franchise is a tale of PTSD and the failure of society to take care of its veterans. It's more about the tragedy of war's effect than the action with literally only one person killed.

The sequel in 1985 threw all that out the window and dove head first back into bullets and action. From here on out, every Rambo movie has been about how awesome he is at killing people and how he can never escape war.

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A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate