15 Most Paused Movie Moments Of 2018

12. Brad Pitt's Cameo - Deadpool 2

Brad Pitt Deadpool 2

Once more, 2018 was a year of huge cameos hidden in major movies, with Matt Damon in Deadpool 2 after his Thor: Ragnarok gag cameo, Julie Andrews in Aquaman and Donald Glover turning up in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse briefly. But none of those were as impressive as Deadpool 2's OTHER major cameo.

As part of the genius X-Force sequence that sees 'Pool's new super-team decimated in a matter of seconds on their first mission, we get the incredible pay-off of invisible character The Vanisher's identity being revealed only when he's electrocuted to death. And quite wonderfully, it turns out Ryan Reynolds managed to convince Brad Pitt to appear for literally a few frames, which is more than worth a pause.

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