15 Most Paused Sci-Fi Movie Moments

7. Total Recall - Three Times A Lady

Troy Pac Man Disney
Columbia Pictures

It's so simple a thing, really - but that hasn't prevented it from becoming one of the most viewed sci-fi moments of all time: the three breasted woman from Total Recall.

Her unique condition is the result of a mutation caused by poor radiation shielding, although she has at least turned it to her advantage by working in a red light district called Venusville.

The reason for this one being paused by so many viewers is as obvious as it is

The moment was recreated in 2012's remake of Total Recall, giving us a new, graphically improved representation of the mutant prostitute.

It has also come to light through interviews since that director Paul Verhoeven actually wanted to give the woman more breasts.

He is quoted as saying: "I know that some women had, let’s say, not two nipples, but they have four nipples. Like a dog, whatever. That’s what they have. They exist, basically, and I’ve seen the medical photos when I was at university. And I knew that. I wanted four nipples and breasts, with big breasts and smaller breasts underneath." If that sums up his headspace when conceiving the scene, then maybe its best to skim over it next time.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.