15 Most Rewatchable Movies Of All Time

3. Aliens

Ghostbusters Publicity Still
20th Century Fox

James Cameron: it's remarkable how much weight that name carries, considering the director has only given us 7 feature films to date (assuming, as Cameron would prefer, we don't count 1981's Piranha II). Still, there's no debate that he's given us some of the most memorable, rewatchable sci-fi fantasies of all time, notably in his two Terminator films, which came very close to making this list.

But if we must narrow it down to a single most rewatchable movie from Cameron, in our book it has to be Aliens. It's debatable as to whether the film truly tops Ridley Scott's original Alien, but there's no question that it's more equal than sequel; one of the few follow-ups that really stands apart as a great movie in its own right.

It's got awe-inspiring spectacle, terrifying monsters, an endearing ensemble topped by a truly brilliant Sigourney Weaver, and a slew of adrenaline-pumping set pieces which never lose their power even once you know every moment by heart. And it's all the more impressive considering it was made for only $18 million; probably less than Cameron spent rendering the ponytails of the Na'Vi in Avatar.

Endlessly repeatable quote: "Get away from her, you bitch!"

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