15 Most Rewatchable Movies Of All Time

7. The Spy Who Loved Me

Ghostbusters Publicity Still

This might be a contentious one. Let's face it, no list of this nature could be complete without at least one James Bond movie - but which to choose of the 24 made to date?

Fans of specific 007 actors might easily argue for key favourites, but when you get right down to there are still two Bonds who dominate: Sean Connery, and the dearly departed Roger Moore. (Sorry, Craig fans, but you know it's true.) And after much contemplation, the one title from the Connery/Moore years that stands apart in terms of rewatchability just has to be The Spy Who Loved Me.

Think about everything we love Bond for, and Moore's 1977 movie has it all. Crazy gadgets, beautiful women, fancy cars, exotic locations, eye-popping stunts, innuendo-ridden dialogue, super-rich maniacal tyrant bent on world domination, and an unforgettable theme song.

With its oceanic setting, submersible Lotus Esprit, and large scale gun battles, the poster wasn't exaggerating when they declared this one 'Bond and beyond.' If Moore had left it at this one (and some might argue he should have), he'd still be up there as one of the greatest 007s ever.

Endlessly repeatable quote: "Keeping the British end up, sir!"

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Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.