15 Most Ridiculously Absurd Casting Calls Of The 21st Century

11. Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool 2 Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds has the auspicious honour of having been cast twice as Deadpool, despite the fact that a failure as big as X-Men Origins: Wolverine would usually kill any vague chance of a second go. But Reyanolds had campaigned hard to get the part of Wade Wilson and he had been willing to accept the mangled version in the hope of getting his own film eventually, so it's understandable his enthusiasm and determination stuck to the character.

Still, when it came time to cast a new Deadpool, Fox were apparently willing to forgive everything he'd done as the character already (admittedly not his own decisions, but still) and did the same thing expecting different results. That's not just absurd, that's insanity. Ask Einstein.

Did It Work?

Incredibly, yes. Despite the precedent and the difficulty most R-Rated comic book movies face, Reynolds' Deadpool was a revelation and managed to transcend the otherwise middling elements of his first solo film. It was Reynolds' show and he clearly had a fun redeeming himself. Thank God for second chances.

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