15 Most Ridiculously Absurd Casting Calls Of The 21st Century
8. Adam Sandler - The Longest Yard (2005)

When you look back at the actors working in the mid-2000s, there are lots of options for convincing American footballers and while the quarterback is the most flexible position in terms of physical expectations, the ideal would be around 6 foot 5 and 240 pounds. It wouldn't be a 5ft 9 ¾ , slightly soft-around-the-middle goofball comedian like Adam Sandler.
And yet he's the one who was cast for the 2005 remake of the Longest Yard, despite the fact that he had already found his correct football position when he was The Waterboy. You know, prior to the bit where he actually gets on the pitch. The idea of him being a QB was just ludicrous.
Did It Work?
You know what? The Longest Yard is not all that bad. It's not as good as the original but it's certainly better than the British adaptation (The Mean Machine starring Jason Statham, Vinnie Jones and Danny Dyer for the uninitiated). Sandler is charming and never really mugs and he might look silly next to the WWE stars cast alongside him, but he's not entirely awful.