15 Most Shocking Movie Deaths Of 2016

1. Pretty Much Everyone - Rogue One

Channing Tatum Jody Death

It shouldn’t have been a massive shock that basically every new character introduced in Rogue One perished, since none of them reappeared in the canon from that point on. Still, in a franchise funded by Disney and aimed at younger viewers, it felt ballsy to build up a likeable new group and kill them off one at a time.

It was to be expected a few of them would perish, but it felt like Disney would play it safe and spare a couple. This adds to the slight gutpunch of Rogue One's ending, once it sinks in it that it truly was a suicide mission, and there was never a chance of escape.

The tone, in general, is quite grim, with Tarkin being quick to blast away his problems with the Death Star, and a “hero” spy killing an unarmed informant to keep him from talking to the enemy. Who knows, in years to come Rogue One could replace The Empire Strikes Back as the darkest entry of the saga.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.