15 Most Shocking Movie Deaths Of 2016

7. Nicky - Jason Bourne

Channing Tatum Jody Death

It was kind of impressive that Nicky made it all the way to the fourth Bourne movie since she was only a minor character in the first two entries. Her role gradually grew in importance, though, and the film’s managed to avoid making her another damsel in distress.

It was clear the writers had run out of ideas for poor Nicky in part four, since she’s there to set the plot in motion, and die tragically to motivate Bourne on his mission. It’s a disappointing – and slightly lazy – development, but at the very least director Paul Greengrass milks her death for all the suspense he can, and makes you wince at the moment she takes the sniper bullet.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.