15 Most Terrifying Movie Aliens Of All Time

11. Edgar The Bug (Men In Black)

Alien: Resurrection

If you're not fussed on insects, it's best that you look away for this one.

An interstellar terrorist that is nothing short of relentless in his quest for the Arquillian Galaxy, this giant cockroach initially wears the skin of a not-so-nice man named Edgar that he feasted on, but when he bursts free from that disguise, he's utterly goosebump-inducing as the combination of those piercing yellow eyes, uber-sharp teeth, slimy exoskeleton and sinister grin is every insectophobe's worst nightmare.

As comedic as Men In Black is, Edgar is actually a rather intimidating antagonist and the film's exceptional use of jump scares in that final battle will have you cowering behind cushions as soon as Tommy Lee Jones screams "Eat me!".


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.