15 Most Terrifying Sci-Fi Movie Scenes Ever

5. Blade Runner - Roy Hunts Deckard

Looper Seth Death
Warner Bros.

Everything that can be said about Blade Runner has already been said; it is an absolute masterpiece and the tears in rain speech, will gone down in history as one of the very best in film history. But, one thing that isn’t talked about as much, is how freaky and terrifying the end chase between Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer) and Deckard (Harrison Ford) is.

Throughout the film, Roy Batty is largely a reserved and controlled figure with a clear goal in mind. The only time he loses control prior to this scene, is when he kills Tyrell after being told that his life span can’t be extended. But when he returns to his hide out and finds Pris (Daryl Hannah) he goes completely insane. He stalks Deckard all throughout the abandoned apartment block letting out crazed whoops and screams.

Hauer’s performance, combined with the setting and the pouring rain makes this scene feel like its ripped straight out of a horror movie, and it only gets freakier when Batty starts shoving nails through his hands.

The culmination of the whole sequence that leads to the “tears in rain” speech sees Batty standing over Deckard who is hanging helplessly over a multi-story drop. The look on Batty’s face, as Deckard desperately scrambles for safety, is one of both distain and utter triumph and enhances Batty’s manic and unhinged personality and makes the scene all the more terrifying and hopeless (that is until he saves Deckard).

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