15 Most Underrated War Movies Of All Time

10. Waltz With Bashir

Jarhead Jake Gyllenhaal
Sony Pictures

It’s hardly possible for this one to be any stranger, but maybe in a medium with as much potential for strangeness as cinema, psychedelia is the least we need to try and effectively convey the horrors of war onscreen.

In the case of this disturbing, hypnotic Ari Folman effort, an animated docudrama which follows a veteran from the Lebanon conflict attempting to untangle his role in the war, trippy visuals come to represent the nightmares of former combatants and paint an unsparingly dark, morally ambiguous image of the war.

It’s an intense watch which offers no easy answers as the soldier comes no closer to understanding the meaning of his dreams, but anyone who makes it to the end of this singular experience will be a lot closer to understanding the fragmented, strange reality of living in a conflict zone.


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