15 Most Underrated Western Films Of All Time

4. Bad Day At Black Rock

The Proposition

A tense and terse crime thriller, this 1955 flick combines the western with film noir for a sunburnt crossover between the two genres which succeeds admirably as both.

Featuring a stellar central performance from Spencer Tracy as the mild mannered hero simply trying to track down a man in the titular small town with a dark secret, this one plays out like a Sergio Leone western meets Chinatown—if Jake had worked out the mystery and moltov cocktail’d the guilty parties on time, that is.

Slow and deliberate in its set up, this one is worth the pay off and remains an underrated and influential classic in the genre, a flick fingerprints you’ll start to see on many other westerns after a viewing.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.