15 Most Underrated Western Films Of All Time

11. Ravenous

The Proposition
20th Century Fox

Perhaps the single most underrated flick on this list, this singular masterpiece from 1999 is nigh on impossible to classify in terms of genre, and it’s all the better for that fact.

Is it a comedy? It’s certainly funny.

Is it a horror? It’s certainly scary.

Is it a mystery? It’s certainly myster—okay, you get the idea.

But more than anything else, this effort from Face helmer Antonia Bird is a trippy and intense Western, one in which the battle between good and evil is embodied by Guy Pearce’s morally compromised coward and Robert Carlyle’s mysterious interloper. With a superb ensemble cast, some truly stunning scenery, and a unique, haunting score courtesy of Michael Nyman and Blur’s Damon Albarn, this sort-of-satire/ definite Western-horror hybrid is a viewing experience you won’t forget for a long time.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.