14. Our Idiot Brother (2011)
Paul Rudd. Zooey Deschanel. A bunch of other funny people in a goofily-titled movie that based on all that stuff we just mentioned is bound to be hilarious, right? Um, not exactly. Our Idiot Brother, like Everything Must Go before it, is a film that advertised itself as a rollocking laughterfest, only to ultimately reveal itself to be a completely different movie to the one in the trailer. In short, Our Idiot Brother is depressing. If you happened to put this movie on because you were sad and needed cheering up one time, there's a good chance you're actually dead now, because this is seriously painful and upsetting stuff. Basically the movie is about a good guy named Ned Rochlin who is used and abused by his selfish sisters until he's driven too far. That's about it. The tone switches back and forth between sad, sort-of funny but not so funny, and outright depressing. It's pretty much a melancholy sandwich, if those were a thing. Its take-home message? "Life is unfair."
Sam Hill
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.
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