15 Most Visually Stunning Sci-Fi Movies

10. The Fountain

Gravity sci-fi movie
Warner Bros.

Mother! helmer Darren Aronofsky has never been one to shy away from a camera trick or two. Hell, most of what’s worth recommending about devastating drug drama Requiem for a Dream and his later biblical epic Noah are their stunning visuals, with the thin stories propped up by some unforgettable sequences.

But the director’s incredible visual style has never been better married to a concept than in 2006’s wildly underrated financial flop The Fountain.

Following various iterations of one character throughout different eons, the complex, genre-hopping love story is one of the new millennium’s most majestic tributes to the sheer visual power of cinema, second only to Terrence Malick’s Tree of Life (we decided it wasn’t sci-fi enough to qualify).


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