15 Movie Characters Who Look Nothing Like They Did In Real Life

14. Tony Mendez - Argo

Remember that movie when Ben Affleck was cast as someone he looks nothing alike? No, not Batman; he's totally suited for Bruce Wayne. We're taking about when he cast himself as CIA officer Tony Mendez in his own Argo. Based on recently declassified documents, Argo tells the 'true' story of the Canadian Caper, a successful rescue of six US nationals during the Iranian hostage crisis achieved by posing a film crew, with Mendez the unsung architect of the whole thing.

The real Mendez looked as nondescript as you'd expect a technical operations officer to look, but Affleck's version is the Hollywood version of run-down; good looks, nicely kept hair, but with a beard.

For all its enlightenment, Argo presented a rather one-sided view on events, so really not seeing Affleck with a moustache is far from the film's biggest crime to accuracy. People were probably so surprised that he really suited directing that the acting fell by the wayside.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.