15 Movie Sequels That Will Definitely Be Announced In 2018

5. Insidious 5

Insidious The Last Key Lin Shaye

Predicted Release Date: September 2020

Despite the Insidious franchise coming from the mind of Saw's Leigh Whannell and these films being relatively easy to throw together, it's surprising that, in the seven years since the first Insidious movie was released, there have "only" been three sequels.

As such, fans will be waiting until at least mid-2020 for Insidious 5, but with the recent fourth movie, The Last Key, grossing a ludicrous $155 million on a $10 million budget - making it the second highest-grossing film of the series - there's absolutely no way this train's stopping any time soon.

It'll be announced as "Untitled Insidious Sequel" or "Insidous: Chapter 5", and then shortly before release, it'll get its final title. You know what you're getting with these movies and they're super successful, so why would they stop?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.