15 Movie Sequels That Will Definitely Be Announced In 2018

9. Jurassic World 3

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Chris Pratt

Predicted Release Date: June 2021

Does this even really need to be stated? Jurassic World made a mind-boggling $1.67 billion at the box office, and even if Fallen Kingdom gets 5% on Rotten Tomatoes, there's virtually no chance of it grossing less than $800 million. It is the definition of a sure thing, because audiences really, really love dinosaurs.

Now, it's already known that a trilogy of Jurassic World movies has always been the plan, so officially confirming the third one is just a formality of dropping a press release, really, which will probably happen after Fallen Kingdom posts insane box office numbers on its opening weekend.

Everyone's going to come back, it's going to release in another two or three years, and it's going to make an easy billion dollars once again. Nothing to see here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.