15 Movie Sequels That Will Definitely Be Announced In 2018

7. Zootopia 2

Zootopia movie

Predicted Release Date: March 2021

Despite the potential to print money, Disney isn't hugely in the business of churning out theatrically-released sequels for most of its hit animated movies, and certainly not in a hurry.

That said, Zootopia's billion-dollar box office haul is impossible to ignore, all the more so considering the film's incredible world-building and ease with which a sequel could be brought together.

Directors Byron Howard and Rich Moore are already hard at work on ideas for Zootopia 2, even though Disney hasn't formally unveiled it yet. It's basically confirmed, but it'll probably be legit revealed later this year.

Just don't expect it to actually materialise for a good while: for instance, Frozen 2 isn't set to release until next November, some six years after the original hit screens.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.