15 Movies From This Decade (So Far) Destined To Become Classics

10. Ida

Pawe‚ Pawlikowski took a radical detour away from the contemporary dramas of Last Resort and My Summer Of Love with Ida, taking audiences back to post-war Poland and focusing on a young woman on the verge of becoming a nun who is instructed to meet her aunt before taking her vows. It isn't simply the austere yet beautiful cinematography by ukasz Żal and Ryszard Lenczewski which recalls the work of Ingmar Bergman - Ida's journey into her past, as she comes to understand her Jewish parentage and how they placed her in a convent to spare her from death at the hands of the Nazis also brings to mind Bergman's obsession with religious identity and social conformity. Critics proclaimed Ida a classic the moment it was released, and few movies released this decade have justifiably been given this appellation. Agata Trzebuchowska's debut cinematic performance in the title role is a revelation - it'll be interesting to see where her career goes from here.

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