15 Movies That Made 2016 The Dumbest Year Ever
Don't try and defend "Martha!"

2016 may have served up its share of great movies like Captain America: Civil War, The Jungle Book, Arrival, Zootopia and so on, but it was also a year that typified just how idiotic Hollywood can be, and how dumb they actually think audiences are.
Sequels were released nobody cared about, prospective new franchises bombed, beloved series got the "stealth reboot" treatment, and arguably the year's most-hyped film ended up being a colossal letdown. And that's without even mentioning Donald Trump being elected President, which truly makes 2016 the dumbest year ever.
For all of the great movies that have released this year, filmgoers have had to sift through a swamp of patronising, dull and straight-up stupid movies that only reinforce the creative and spiritual bankruptcy that pervades throughout the industry.
Sure, it's not all bad, but these movies are terrible enough to temporarily convince you otherwise. Here are 15 movies that made 2016 the dumbest year ever...
15. Gods Of Egypt

A $140 million critical and commercial dud that just about everyone saw coming, Gods of Egypt may offer a ton of unintentional laughter, but as an attempt to build a new blockbuster franchise, it's mostly just embarrassing.
Gerard Butler, Geoffrey Rush and Chadwick Boseman give Razzie-worthy performances in this adventure epic that's bathed in awful CGI, a nonsensical plot and atrocious dialogue.
On one hand, credit to director Alex Proyas (Dark City, Knowing) for fully committing to the whole "giant Gods in giant robot suits" shtick, but on any real filmmaking level, this is absolutely braindead in every creative and conceptual sense.
It's possibly the very dumbest film of the year, but it only lands at #15 because it's still pretty fun to watch.