15 Movies You Didn't Know Were Remakes

2. LOL

The Remake: A 2012 coming-of-age romantic comedy starring Miley Cyrus as a teenager navigating life and love, while Demi Moore plays her mother in an effort that's pretty much as stonkingly bad as it sounds. Even Lionsgate didn't believe in it, quietly dumping LOL in 105 cinemas with practically no advertising. The Original: The 2008 French film of the same name instead stars Christa Theret in the Cyrus role and Sophie Marceau as the mother, while the character names and general plotting is for the most part identical. The movie proved obscenely popular with French teenagers, having grossed $60 million to date (significantly more than the remake's $18.2 million). Which One Is Better?: Neither is particularly great but the original outclasses the remake in every possible way. Plus, there's no Miley Cyrus, which is always a win.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.