15 Movies You Loved As A Kid (That Are Actually Terrible)

1. Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot

Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot

A bit of an eccentric choice to end our list on perhaps, but did anyone else love Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot as a child?

Granted, kids' familiarity with the oeuvre of Sylvester Stallone is perhaps a bit limited - unless your parents were rather on the permissive side, at least.

And though the film is actively riffing off Sly's stature as an action hero, it's also far, far too silly for most grown adults to enjoy, and therefore a better proposition for children.

The narrative hook is a simple odd couple pairing as Stallone's stern cop must contend with his meddling mother (Estelle Getty) who has come to visit.

It's a sitcom-level premise that appeals to the impressionable, shapeless minds of youngsters, but for adult fans of Stallone and/or Getty, it's a big fat dud with virtually no (intentional) laughs in sight. Neither actor - nor anyone associated with the film, in fact - escapes with their dignity in tact.

As if that's not enough, Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot ended up scooping three Razzie awards, while Stallone went on to call it "maybe one of the worst films in the entire solar system."

Which beloved childhood movies surprised you on an adult rewatch? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.