15 Movies You Loved As A Kid (That Are Actually Terrible)

12. Batman & Robin

Batman And Robin
Warner Bros. Pictures

As a wee nipper, Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin was actually a pretty fun movie. It was insanely colourful, the campy performances were a goofy delight - especially Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr. Freeze - and both Alicia Silverstone's terrible acting and the blatant homoerotic subtext flew far over your head.

But critics tore the film apart, of course, and if you've dared to revisit Batman & Robin since your youth, you'll appreciate why.

Batman Forever may be far from a great film, but it's positively remarkable compared to...this.

From the outrageously awful dialogue ("Bat credit card...never leave the cave without it") to the toe-curling performances (Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy in particular), Schumacher's bizarre fascination with butt and crotch close-ups and the freaking bat nipples, this is basically Bad Choices: The Movie.

If both Schumacher Batman films were overly pre-occupied with creating a toy-friendly aesthetic to appeal to kids, Batman & Robin took things too far and firmly alienated adults in the process.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.