15 Movies You Won’t Believe Are 20 Years Old
7. Starship Troopers
Back in 1997, people weren’t really sure what to
make of Paul Verhoeven’s action sci-fi Starship Troopers. Maybe it’s because it
came hot on the heels of Verhoeven’s multi-Razzie winning Showgirls or maybe
it’s because some thought it took its source material – Robert A. Heinlein’s
controversial, military-glorifying book of the same name – a little too
literally but many a critic though it either vapid or, even worse,
misinterpreted it as supportive of the novel’s fascist overtones.
But of course, it was neither of those things and thankfully a horde of more discerning fans have reassessed it as the brilliantly satirical and ruthlessly funny parody of blind patriotism and right-wing militarism it should’ve been recognised as first time around.
Like IKWYDLS and Men in Black, it’s another 1997 film that Hollywood just can’t leave alone with a reboot headed by Columbia Pictures already in the works. It’s reported to be a more faithful adaptation of Heinlein’s book though, so expect a more pro-military than parodying tone which feels kind of scary in the era of Donald Trump and his Twitter-based nuclear threats.