15 Near Miss Villain Castings That Would Suck More Than Eisenberg's Luthor

2. Tim Allen - Brainiac (Superman Lives)

This is the only casting pick on this list which was for a movie that in the end never got made, and of course I'm talking about the infamous Superman Lives project, which was to have Tim Burton directing, Kevin Smith writing the script, and Nicolas Cage playing the Man of Steel. During his stand-up show An Evening With Kevin Smith, Smith has talked extensively about the disastrous production, particularly the ridiculous insistence of producer Jon Peters that the movie feature a giant spider fighting Superman at the end, and that Supes wasn't to fly at all. Among his other ideas was that Tim Allen would end up playing Superman's iconic villain Brainiac, an idea so absurd I don't know whether it makes me want to laugh or cry more. It sounds more like a casting choice that would end up in Smith's Bluntman and Chronic rather than a serious superhero movie. Chalk it up to another "brilliant" Jon Peters original.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.