15 Obscure Horror Films You Need To See

10. The Keep

Inside Horror

Bat poop crazy horror movies don't come much better - or confused, for that matter - than this World War II chiller. Set in gloomy Romania, in an abandoned church, a hardy bunch of looting Germans (sans any sign of accents) get more than they bargained for when an age old demon is rustled from his slumber. Cue madness, fog, Ian McKellen, more fog, a monster with lats that would impress Tom Hardy and a score courtesy of Tangerine Dream.

Director Michael Mann has practically disowned the film, criticising Paramount's brutal culling of the film from its over two hours run time down to a more slender ninety minutes, but there are fans out there hellbent on raising awareness of it. There's a mooted documentary, A World War II Fairytale: The Making of Michael Mann's The Keep, going through the crowdfunding hoopla as these very words are being typed.

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Shaun is a former contributor for a number of Future Publishing titles and more recently worked as a staffer at Imagine Publishing. He can now be found banking in the daytime and writing a variety of articles for What Culture, namely around his favourite topics of film, retro gaming, music, TV and, when he's feeling clever, literature.