15 Perfect Superhero Casting Choices Wasted On Terrible Comic Book Movies

3. Mark Strong As Sinestro - Green Lantern

Green Lantern Mark Strong
Warner Bros.

Simply put, Green Lantern is an unforgivable film. It squanders an incredible premise, focussed on the wrong Green Lantern in Hal Jordan and spent most of its time grounded on Earth when there was an entire universe out there just waiting to be explored.

Also Parallax... why?!

Frustratingly, the film also isn't without its little moments of genius. The late, great Michael Clarke Duncan was perfect as Kilowog in the few brief minutes we see him, while Geoffrey Rush is pretty much spot-on as Tomar-Re. It is Mark Strong, however, who stands out as the most obvious example of lost potential, with the actor delivering a brilliantly theatrical take on hero-turned-villain Sinestro.

Strong is now set to play Doctor Sivana in the upcoming Shazam!, but DC won't find a better actor to play the Green Lantern Corps' fiercest adversary. Given rumours that they're looking to have another stab at the series, the fact Strong won't be returning is especially disappointing.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.