15 Planned Horror Film Remakes That Thankfully Never Happened

6. Infection

American remakes of Japanese horror films don't usually turn out very well, do they? The Ring, The Grudge and Dark Water et al. are soulless copies, made only for commercial reasons because Hollywood studios are creatively bankrupt. It's much easier to pilfer a winning idea from another country than come up with your own. But these American remakes were successful so, naturally, Hollywood was keen to buy the rights to as many J-Horror properties as it could. Variety reported in 2006 that:
New Line Cinema has obtained remake rights to 2004 Japanese hospital horror film "Infection" and set up the project with original producer Takashige Ichise along with Vertigo Entertainment principals Roy Lee and Doug Davison. The studio has hired Channing Gibson to write the scrip. The U.S. version will be set in an isolated hospital where the staff -- stymied by mistakes and coverups -- races to battle a deadly infection that turns out to be of supernatural origin.
The original was a more psychological film that was interested on really getting under the viewer's skin. No doubt the American remake (which was scrapped for unknown reasons) would have featured car chases and a lot of the customary THINGS JUMPING OUT OF PLACES AND MAKING NOISE.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...